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Drilling clean water wells for the people of Malawi

Clean Water & the Gospel: “We Have Seen the Hand of God”

We are still providing clean water and the Gospel to our friends in Malawi, and we recently drilled two new wells in Msundwe. One of the local villagers, Mrs. Grac Samuel, said “We are very thankful to You Turn Ministries for providing us this well. We have seen the hand of God and His grace with the coming of this borehole. Our village has been blessed, our lives have been transformed, and we are now free from waterborne diseases. We pledge to take good care of this well so that it should serve generations with safe, reliable, clean water.”

Sadalire GositeAnother villager at Msundwe, Mrs. Sadalire Gosite, said “As a woman, we have many duties that involve water; all the household chores require water. Now we can do the duties easily because of the new water source that our village has been blessed with. We no longer have to share a shallow well with livestock, and we no longer have to wait a long time in queues just to fetch a single bucket of cooking and drinking water. We can now enjoy fresh, clean water from the well. I can now give regular baths to my children.”

Testimonies like these are the motivation behind our desire to keep drilling more wells and reaching more people with the Good News. We are so thankful to be a part of how the Lord is changing lives, homes, villages and nations through clean water and the love of Jesus.

You can be a part of this transformational work in southeast Africa, too! Your financial gift makes an eternal impact on men, women and children by providing access to safe drinking water AND the living water available through Christ.

Matching Gift Campaign


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Thanks to generous donors, a dollar-for-dollar match of your donation to You Turn Ministries will be matched up to

Ends October 31
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