You Turn’s mission, “Reaching the Lost People in the Last Places,” is not just a slogan or a call to action but a tangible and dynamic foundation that guides our efforts and resource allocation. Through the three core principles of Proclaim, Prepare, and Provide, we connect with rural communities to share the message of hope in Jesus Christ. By integrating Pastor Training Schools, clean water initiatives, discipleship programs, orphan support, and construction projects, You Turn aims to deliver holistic ministry across Malawi.
After a thorough evaluation, Pastor Training Schools were relaunched in 2024 in three locations. Teachers at each current and future location are trained by US staff to use the Bible Training Centre for Pastors curriculum, which includes the following courses and practical ministry skills: Bible Study Methods and Rules of Interpretation, Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey, Preaching Biblical Messages and Pastoral Ministry, Bible Doctrine Survey, Personal Spiritual Life, Church Ministry/Administration/Education, Teaching Principles and Methods, Church History Survey, Missions/Evangelism/Discipleship.
Students meet for five days each month over the two-year course to learn, study, fellowship, and participate in practical ministry. Teachers report back to our US staff and sponsors after each session and include testimonies like this: “I thank God for the care the school has provided to us such as food, studies, and encouragement from our teachers,” from Lemas Mtalimanja who studies at the Msundwe school. “The Word of God has the power to change people. I am now a changed person.” After Lemas was saved, he grew spiritually, serving in church leadership before God called him into pastoral ministry.
Lodging, meals, transportation assistance, and school supplies are provided. Furnishings as needed and all the kitchen utensils for meal preparation are included in the start-up costs for each location. Local churches are usually happy to host and invest the use of their building in a shared mission of growing God’s Kingdom through these students’ future ministry.
Inspired by the success of our current Pastor Training Schools and the growing need for trained pastors in Malawi, we are excited to announce our goal of opening three more schools in 2025! This expansion will allow us to equip even more men to effectively lead their congregations and spread the Gospel. But we can’t do it alone. We need your help to make this vision a reality.
Operating each Pastor Training School costs $392 per month for 24 months. In addition to the monthly support, we have one-time startup costs of $581 per location to furnish the school and equip it for learning. The comprehensive two-year curriculum from the Bible Training Centre for Pastors costs $2053 per location. We invite you to partner with us in this vital work. Your generous support, at whatever level, will directly impact the lives of future pastors and the communities they will serve.
Whether you can sponsor a student, contribute to the startup costs, or provide ongoing monthly support, your gift will make a tangible difference in training pastors and strengthening the Church in Malawi. Please prayerfully consider how you can participate in this exciting expansion of God’s Kingdom. To donate, click the GIVE NOW link above. For additional information, please get in touch with Steve Lyons at